PN Application Notes

Case Study 5   >>> 6

Southampton Container Terminals Ltd. Use DGPS

SCT Ltd., use GARMIN DGPS receivers supplied by Effective Solutions (Data Products) to track the movement of containers that they are handling within the Southampton Container Port complex, speeding shipments on their way by road, rail and sea.

SCT Ltd, have equipped all of their 70 + Straddle Carriers with DGPS receivers and a customised version of ESL's NMEAPro software.

The DGPS receivers are installed on the highest point, centrally above the straddle carrier's lifting gear, commanding a good view of the sky with good DGPS beacon reception.

The position data is captured by ESL's NMEAPro program, pre-processed and passed to SCT's network software on a ruggedised PC in the cab of each Straddle Carrier, running the Windows NT operating system. The straddle carrier driver also receives and acknowledges his job instructions on the touch-sensitive screen of this PC.

SCT has a broadband radio network that links all the straddle carier systems to the main network in the office where the GPS data is integrated into the container movement database and can be displayed graphically on screens to enable the operators to plan and track the container port operations.

Historical data can also be displayed, providing important management information and feedback on the efficiency of the container movement process. To avoid mislaying a container even for a short time ensures that SCT meets it's objectives of providing a reliable delivery system, feeding as it does, other industries including J.I.T (Just In Time) production lines in manufaturing companies.


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